A fundamental characteristic of chronic heart failure patients is an impaired ability to enhance cardiac output appropriately with increasing exercise loads.
Many patients are able to improve cardiac output after exercise intervention, exercise training, and resynchronization therapy. Quantifying cardiac output is most important factor for these patients and many exercising people.

A new era in noninvasive cardiac out monitoring device was developed. It has been further developed to the latest advances in electronic and signal processing technologies.
Real-time recordings of stroke volume, cardiac output, early diastolic filling ratio, ejection fraction, end diastolic volume ventricular ejection time and systemic vascular resistance and vascular stiffness was possible with this light weight, small and holter-sized portable wireless device .
Therefore, In this study, we want to suggest for multiple applications of many experiments fields about optimal athlete’s training, exercise physiology, sports medicine, cardiology/internal medicine, critical care, cardiopulmonary rehabilitation, and even military and aerospace medicine. Metabolic and cardiac output during exercise, Peak exercise stroke volume assessment in athletes and in patients with residual right outflow tract lesions, and impedance cardiography in pulmonary arterial hypertention researches were available.
Further mechanism study is needed to assess it’s utility in different exercise and clinical situations.