“aimple” is an NFT-based digital human entertainment platform. It provides an integrated solution that supports digital human creation, content creation, album release, distribution, and management so that anyone can work as a creator in a metaverse environment.
The digital human is made with an Unreal Engine-based 3D avatar, and facial tracking and motion capture enable dance, singing, and acting. User due diligence and deepfake based 2D avatars can also be produced.
AIMPLE supports digital human content creation by providing AI composition, AI arrangement, and AI instrument performance services based on artificial intelligence music engine RIMA AI to work as a digital human in a metaverse environment without expertise in music and entertainment.
In addition, we have 5G-based XR technology, so we can plan, produce, and carry out digital human virtual concert halls on our own. Tickets and goods for virtual performances can be produced and sold, and we also support promotion.
Digital human beings can work across the real and virtual world, and digital human recognition and activity performance are directly linked to profits. As the value of digital human increases, the value of content such as the music composed by digital human or the music video appeared will also increase. Transactions that NFT(Non-Fungible Tokens) these digital human contents generate revenue.
AIMPLE is currently building a marketplace for creating and trading NFTs, and will allow digital human sound sources and content to be published and traded as NFTs.