Vital Radar Sensor is a monitoring sensor that detects a heart rate and respiration rate in an untact.
With monitoring heartrate, respiration rate and motion , we provide a variety of applications and solutions, let alone digital healthcare.
It provides 'sleeptech' solution with the sleep management app to manage it.
You can monitor a Snoring and a Non breathing symptom(Apnea) which interrupt seriously sleeping
The sensor monitors Heart Rate and Respiration Rate, which is designed by using  Radar  and microWave technologies in-house which 85-98% accuracy are verified compared to that of 3 points ECG.
The sensor 90% accuracy in comparison with that of Galaxy watch is verified.

It also offers excellent performance and the easiness of use even in noisy environment such as wind and vibration.
Burn patients or patients who are concerned about secondary infection due to skin disease can be conveniently diagnosed with non-contact measurement.
Individuals will greatly help prevent heart disease through real-time monitoring of heart rate and respiration rate at home. Thank you.