Although various digital healthcare solutions are being advanced, hospitals don't have any other effective rehab-in-home solution for MSK. iPIXEL service, 'EXERCITE Care', has been steadily upgrading based on its AI home training experience. In this situation, Exercite Care is offering an AI self-rehabilitation solution to support healthcare staff.

Exercite Care is a solution to increase long-term and steady rehabilitation and fitness, such as cases requiring rehabilitation at home due to large surgeries such as joint replacement or cases suffering from MSK diseases. It provides exercise lists and supports real-time feedback solutions to help patients perform more effective self-rehabilitation at home. Exercite Care, which has upgraded the existing oral rehabilitation guide to AI for convenience for both medical staff and patients, providing content produced at the request of the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine.

 We are committed to supporting better digital MSK solutions with continuous feedback in the Smart-tech globe.