A. Commodity
◦ Air-Fit air purification sterilizer
B. Application for the requested product
◦It is a high-performance air purification sterilizer with excellent efficiency in removing not only fine dust that can be filtered by the filter of the air purifier, but also various organic substances such as invisible viruses, floating bacteria, and harmful gases.
Through the application of ◦Ag/TiO₂ photocatalyst, general light/UV LED, heat treatment coating technology, and primer technology, a stable sterilization effect of more than 30,000h can be obtained. It emits powerful ultraviolet rays repeatedly to directly destroy pathogens' DNA and RNA.


C. Application for maintenance capability

◦Floating/dust, harmful gas, ultrafine dust, and bacteria/viruses can be removed sequentially in a total of five stages, from quadruple filters (antibacterial copper, activated carbon filters, antiviral, and H13 HEPA filters) to UV modules. The combination of excellent performance and excellent product design can bring the indoor atmosphere to life.
◦ It holds industrial property rights such as KC certification and CE certification, as well as multiple patent registration and design registration.