What is the most feared disease among seniors in Korea?

Alzheimer's disease, which surpassed cancer, is ranked first.

The key to preventing and managing Alzheimer's disease is an early screening of the disease. 
The earlier you start pharmaceutical or non-pharmaceutical intervention as early as possible, the longer you can maintain your daily life. 
However, many people do not receive Alzheimer's screening tests for various reasons, such as inconvenience, inaccuracy, and time-consuming processes. 

We introduce you Spick, a screening app for Alzheimer's disease based on analyzing one's speech with an AI algorithm. 

Download the Spick app on your smartphone or tablet PC. You only need to answer simple speaking tasks that take about 10 minutes. Then, our patented AI ​​algorithm automatically analyzes the speech file and assesses your cognitive health condition in less than a minute.

Spick is composed of 11 speech tasks for screening, speech data collected with 11 hospitals for 20 months, and a patented AI algorithm. Spick's accuracy in screening Alzheimer's and mild cognitive impairment is higher than the MMSE, which is the most widely used for now.

Now, with Spick, live free from the fear of Alzheimer's disease and keep your daily healthy life.