rebless planar is an FDA-registered robotic-assisted upper extremity rehabilitation device that impoves motor skills, range of motion, and strength, improving patients overall functional ability.

[Product Features]

* 3D Camera
  > Asists with proper patient positioninig before initiating therapy

* Bluetooth Keyboard
  > Lightweight keyboard with an integrated mouse allows for easy operation

* Functional positioning
  > Table and handle heights can be easily adjusted for patient comfort

* Quick loading time
  > Loading time within 1 minute, with no warm-up needed 

[Main Functions]

* Clinician & Patient Management
  > Clinicians can add patients and easily access and navigate patient data.

* Calibration
  > Treatment accuracy is enhanced by the robot self calibration algorithm. Patient positioning calibration is performed using an advanced 3D camera attached to the top of the device.

* Reports
  > Optimized reports help clinicians interpret evaluation results and track patient ourcomes and progress over the course of their rehab protocol.
* Evaluation
  > Interactive assessments objectively measure and report the motor impairment(s) and progress during treatment ses
     1) Circle: Measure movement coordination in the horizontal plane where patients are asked to draw circes
     2) Round Dynamic: Measure movement against resistance where patients are required to hold the handle motionless
     3) Point to Point: Measures the limit of reach in the horizontal plane where patients attempt movements towards specific targets
     4) Playback Static: Measures movement against resistance where patients are asked to move toward a target

* Games
  > Interactive games allow for treatment intensification and increased patient motivation making the rehabilitation process more enjoyable.

Introduction video:

#rehabilitation #cognitive rehabilitation #shoulder rehab #stroke #cerebral palsy #TBI #robotic device #neurorehab  #joint