Freeze-Drying Pollack, which is good for Fatigue Recovery and

Strengthening Immunity

<Nutrient> Essential Amino Acids (Methionine, Lysine, Triophane, etc.) / Minerals (Calcium, Iron, Phosphorus, etc.)

<Effect> Bone health, Fatigue Recovery, Strengthening Immunity


    #Imported raw material + raw material Made in Republic of Korea #Production in Korea #Mass production

    #Freeze-dried form with less than 5% moisture
    #Slightly Wet Topping Form with 40~60% moisture
    #Room temperature Storage for 1~2 years

    #Neat Design #Prime Minister's Award-winning products
    #Tourist luxury goods in Korea #DDP(Dongdaemun Design Plaza) #Sangsaeng_store(Anguk, Seoul)

    #80% of the market price range compared to the same product 
    #Premium products


Strength 01
    The Eastreat won the Prime Minister's Award, which was selected as the first 'Tourist luxury
    goods in Korea' for Pet Food

he existing premium line is a calm product that has undergone more than 90% manual
   processing and focuses on the essence of the product to preserve its original form, but this Casual
   Line is the first processed product of Donghaehyeongsea and is a cost-effective product that
   enables mass production with professional and systematic technology in a design that contains
   fancy and free atmosphere.

    Long Expiration date, 80% cost-effectiveness compared to market products 
Made from 100% fish only, there are 6 products healthy but cheaper and more valuable(Pollack,
   Salmon, Capelin, Righteye Flounder, Yellowtail, Sandlance). Among them, the Sandlance and
   Yellowtail used raw materials from Sokcho. It has a two-year expiration date and 80% price of the
   same capacity product on the market, with an overwhelming cost-effectiveness and cost-

    A small step for the Earth and the environment, a package with minimal plastic usage

   The Casual line products have minimized plastic in all packaging materials except containers and
   package designs. We've reduced plastic usage by about half compared to the same capacity. It is a
   very small step to participate in increasingly problematic environmental issues, but I believe that if
   this step becomes a step for everyone, the world of our next generation can change in a slightly
   better direction.

    Designed in Korean, Hangeul, it's a good gift
    In order to express the most Korean and oriental, the waves of the East Sea were arranged after
    the first letter of each fish's name in a pattern that emphasized the natural curve. It is a work that
    embodies visibility and identity so that you can see what kind of product it is even from a
    distance. It is designed so that various elements (fish, stars, etc.) of the background can be
    expressed together by shaping the flow of waves in gradation. Using colors that symbolize the
    Oriental, we tried to make products that look good just by standing them up and even better for

    Cube-sized Diversity and the Diversity of the countries that made it
    Do you want a cube as big as possible? Then I recommend dried pollack and salmon. 
    A pet's mouth is small? I recommend the 
Righteye Flounder and Yellowtail.
    If you've seen Donghaehyeongsea as raw material, choose Capelin and Sandlance.
    All Freeze-Drying on the market are imported, but if you want Freeze-Drying made in Korea,
    choose Yellowtail and
Sandlance made in Sokcho
    We offer a variety of options to suit your preferences.