Animan, a company created in 2018 to create a society where animals and people can coexist through the return of profits from food manufacturing, starting with several members of the Abandoned Animal Volunteer Organization and seeking to solve the problem in a sustainable way

Animan Growing, Thinking of Children in the Belief that Healthy Living Starts From Eating

Manufacturing healthy food by maximizing synergy with various raw materials, centering on insect protein based on superfood mealworm selected by Animan

1. It's a conceptual design by our own designer using Animan brand characters.

2. Carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are all in one pack for a balanced diet, which is optimized not only for supplementing sound volume but also for nutrition.

3. It uses more than 99.6% of premium crude oil of grade 1A, the highest level of non-antibiotic, so you can eat it with confidence.

4. It is made in compliance with the calcium phosphorus ratio according to the AAFCO standards of the American Feed Association.

5. It is a product made safely without any other additives.

6. Using only reliable natural ingredients, I only heard ingredients that people can eat.

7. It is a product that has good synergy when paid, such as our product cereal Anipop, and can be sold in a set.