Air Space EA20 is an air quality measuring device used indoors and can comprehensively measure eight indoor air quality.

 EA20 is a product that boasts unrivaled measurement precision that has been certified as first grade not only by "ultra-fine dust" but also "carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide" by Korean authorized agencies. It has a solution that allows window ventilation by autonomously judging according to indoor air quality conditions according to options, and provides a dedicated app for Android and iOS smartphone users, providing convenience to check and manage the current indoor air condition anytime, anywhere.

The objects that can be measured are ultrafine dust/fine dust(PM2.5/PM10), carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), radon, and temperature/humidity.

It is a product that combines a wide display screen and considers interior factors to suit various installation spaces, and is currently installed and operated in various public facilities and homes.