Integrated facility system with cooling and heating, hot water supply, ventilation, dehumidification, and air cleaning functions
The integrated air conditioning and heating facility system for zero-energy housing "Uniro" (DPU-300) is a technology that has successfully developed and entered commercialization as the National Transportation R&D Recommendation Technology No. 238 of the Korea Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Science Accelerator in 2019. It is a facility system that integrates heat pump-type air conditioners, heat recovery ventilation systems, dehumidifiers, and air purifiers into one module.

Uniro, an integrated heat-heating facility system, is a 1,100mm wide, 1,900mm high, and 800mm wide equipment consisting of a ventilation unit, a heat pump air conditioner, and a hot water tank. External air introduced through a rotary heat recovery ventilation system is heated or cooled through a heat pump, and energy high efficiency can be achieved by reusing discarded heat to heat and defrost water.
In addition, since the equipment is operated with electricity, it is a technology applicable to zero-energy houses that make and use all the engines themselves without emitting carbon at all when combined with new and renewable energy such as solar power generation.

Based on the technology of the rotary heat recovery ventilation system, which was selected for the technical commercialization task of the Korea Institute of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Science and Technology in 2016 and certified with 90% energy recovery efficiency jointly with the Institute for passive zero-energy architecture (IPAZEB), it has developed integrated heating and cooling facilities for zero-energy houses optimized for Korea's climate environment with four distinct sections.

In particular, the focus was on improving dehumidification performance to effectively respond to rainy seasons or high-temperature and humid summer months, and the primary dehumidification is performed in the rotor wheel of the heat recovery device and the secondary dehumidification is performed in the condenser, so that the indoor relative humidity does not exceed 60% even in an environment where the external relative humidity exceeds 90%. Condensation problems that may occur during summer cooling were also perfectly solved by a recirculation piping design.

It was possible to reduce energy costs wasted during defrosting by reusing heat that discarded the chronic defrosting problem during heating in winter, and to solve the problem of time delay during heating.
If the heat pump air conditioner sold on the market has been operated in a way that rapidly lowers or raises the indoor temperature by generating a large amount of heat, Uniro is designed to reach a set temperature and humidity gradually with a very small amount of heat to maximize energy efficiency.

However, since it was developed for zero-energy housing, its performance can be maximized in passive housing with insulation, thermal intersection, airtightness, and heat storage.