ENCLEA fire extinguishing agent is an electrically non-conductive fire extinguishing agent that is approved by KFI (Korea Fire Industry & Technology Institute) for Class A (general fire) and Class C (electrical fire).

1. Effective fire suppression:
Electrical fires (lithium-ion battery fires) occur at high temperatures and can spread quickly. Class A and C liquid extinguishing agents are effective in extinguishing these high temperature fires. Class A extinguishes fires involving general fires (fires that leave ash after burning general combustibles such as wood, textiles, paper, rubber, and plastics), and Class C extinguishes electrical fires (fires related to electric devices and wiring with current flowing through them). ) is used to suppress.

2. Electrical safety:
Electrical fires (lithium-ion battery fires) are caused by electrical activation, so electrical safety is very important. Class A and C liquid fire extinguishing agents block the conduction of electricity and extinguish electrical fires (battery fires), ensuring user safety.

3. Quick response time:
Class A and C fire extinguishers enable quick response in the event of a fire. This quick response can prevent the fire from spreading further and prevent further damage.

4. Rapid cooling effect:
Liquid extinguishing agents help cool the fire quickly. Because electrical fires (lithium-ion battery fires) maintain high temperatures, the cooling effect plays an important role in extinguishing fires.

5. Fast penetration:
Liquid extinguishing agents quickly penetrate to the point of fire, extinguishing the fire and preventing its spread.

6. Removal of fine particles:
Liquid extinguishing agents can help remove fine particles and fire smoke. This improves visibility at the fire scene and helps limit the spread of toxic gases.

Class A and C liquid fire extinguishers are essential tools for responding to electrical fires (lithium-ion battery fires) and can greatly help minimize casualties and property damage from fires.