Thin film deposition refers to any technique where a very thin film of material, usually only a few atoms thick, covers a particular substrate. What makes this process attractive is the versatility and range of both the coating and target material, which allows the coating to improve or alter the substrate’s performance. Common applications include making the substrate scratch-resistant, making it more or less electrically conductive, or improving on a substrate’s durability.

The two primary methods of thin film deposition systems rely on either a physical evaporation process or chemical reactions to atomise the source material before bonding it to the substrate layer by layer. Physical processes rely on very low pressures on a resistive heat source to produce the required vapour pressure, while chemical processes use reactive gas and another precursor gas. When the two gases interact on the substrate, a chemical reaction occurs that results in an even film without the need for spin coating methods that may influence thickness or purity.

The HEX series has the following special advantages compared to existing physical vapor deposition (PVD) systems.

-. Adaptable chamber design

: Unlike the method of using welding to attach the mechanism, Viton gasket o-ring is used, which removes all panels, replaces them, and then reinstalls them. Allows for a groundbreaking open frame structure that can be attached quickly and efficiently during system reconfiguration and maintenance procedures.

-. Compact and convenient design

: Can be placed on a benchtop or portable device, and can be moved around the laboratory using a space-saving electronics rack or movable frame. Easy to transport between different laboratories.

-. Scope of application

: The unique open frame design and flexibility can be applied to a variety of fields and is used in solar energy, semiconductor applications, and education.

-. Reliable deposition source

1) FISSION Magnetron sputtering source

The Fission series of magnetron sputtering systems allows users to switch between thin film DC/RF sputtering without specialised tools or lengthy downtime. The Fission deposition source is a module of the modular HEX system that uses quick-release connectors for cooling and water connections, making set-up simple and fast. The HEX system provides the framework for multiple physical vapour deposition techniques, including DC/RF sputtering.

The system accommodates reactive sputtering through the introduction of the reactive gas directly into the chamber or via a separate gas feed. We recommend using the separate feed to maintain the correct partial pressure of the reactive gas at the target.

The Fission series allows the sputtering of all solid metals, magnetic materials, insulators, and semiconductors and can even process multiple sources to grow a composite thin film.

2) TAU E-beam evaporation source

The TAU E-Beam evaporation source is a ‘mini’ source, meaning that it doesn’t use the beam-bending magnets found in other, larger electron beam evaporation sources. The TAU produces a high voltage at the target material while using the low voltage at the tungsten emission filament to produce a direct heating and evaporative effect.

One of the most significant concerns with the e-beam evaporation process is the heat generated during the vaporisation stage. The TAU uses an enclosed head that reduces the thermal load in the vacuum chamber, allowing for coating at relatively low substrate temperatures. This reduced thermal energy makes the TAU a useful tool in lift-off processes and the coating of sensitive substrates.

3) TES Thermal evaporation source

The Korvus TES thermal boat sources allow quick removal of the sources to allow replenishment of the evaporant material. Boats and filaments can also be easily and rapidly replaced.

The TES sources are available as a single-source per flange unit. Optionally, thermocouples may be mounted to monitor the boat temperature. Each source can be equipped with a manual or automatic shutter.

Multiple sources may be accommodated in one system. The sources can also be used in conjunction with other techniques such as sputtering, e-beam deposition and low-temperature sources.

4) ORCA Organic material deposition source

The ORCA low-temperature evaporation source employs active cooling of the crucible to ensure that  the heating process is balanced by a strong opposing cooling process which results in excellent temperature stability and control.

The crucible is constructed from high thermal-conductivity material, ensuring no hot-spots arise which could distort the evaporation rate. Optionally, alumina or graphite liners may be employed. The crucible (complete with liner if fitted) is easily removed/swapped without the need for any tools, although this is often not necessary since access to the source in order to refill the crucible is rapid and simple.

The K-type thermocouple is inserted into the body of the crucible, giving much more accurate readings than typical touch-contact arrangements. The source is supplied with a power unit coupled with a PID controller tuned to low-temperature operation.

The source may be used in conjunction with sputter sources, e-beam sources, thermal sources and others. Thermal cross-talk is kept to a minimum through the cooled shielding cap. The ORCA is also perfectly paired with our temperature gradient sample stage allowing precise temperature control of the substrate.

-. Efficient custom sample stage: Rotating stage, rotary heating, cooling stage