웹 AR SDK는 별도의 앱 설치 없이 핸드폰 카메라로 QR코드를 읽거나 웹주소를 연결하는 것만으로 AR 기능을 사용할 수 있음으로 사용면에서도 높은 편의성을 제공함. 또한, 기존의 웹 리소스의 활용하여 AR 콘텐츠를 제작하고, 웹 기능을 그대로 유지한채 AR로 구현이 가능

Letsee WebAR development kit is a low code technology utilising web ecosystem where it advances limitless contents in a timely manner and allows users to view WebAR experiences without need to install a new App on their devices.

Technology that enables you to create AR experiences that interact realistically with objects and environments using WebGL-based 3D content and operable HTML elements and express various advantages of the web, such as extensibility, functionality, and dynamic binding.

Key Features:

- Available for immediate release without need to install any app

- Can be used on any web browsers via various devices

- No AR expertise knowledge required to create and publish AR contents

- Perfectly compatible with Web content standards that support 2D and 3D, such as HTML and WebGL

- Possible to apply various JavaScript-based library and framework features to AR applications as they are.