제품의 표면에 대한 외관의 변화는 표면(Surface) 굴곡의 크기(오렌지 필)와 선영성(DOI)에 의해서 결정된다.

제품 표면의 waveness을 측정하여 제품의 외관 품질을 결정하는 제품이다.

Image Forming Quality at a close distance:

Distinctness of Image (DOI)

DOI can also be described with terms like brilliance, sharpness

or clarity. DOI is diminished by very fine structures close to the

human eye resolution (smaller than 0.3 mm).

Image Forming Quality at a far distance:

Wet Look

At a distance of 3 m, the image forming quality is mainly

influenced by structures between 1 - 3 mm. This effect is referred

to as Wet Look.