(주)대진텍에서 제조 및 판매하는 무독성 난연 원재료의 오발형 덕트와 연결 부품으로,
마찰 손실이 적어 공기 흐름과 누기 방지에 탁월한 특성이 있어 공기 순환 효율이 뛰어납니다. 

DAEJIN TAC Co., Ltd. is established in 2008 and is manufacturing oval type air ventilation pipes.
Non-poisonous and odorless oval type air ventilation pipe satisfies the requirements of the market for the environmental friendly life,
and has better circulation efficiency and lower heat loss as the air resistance is lower comparing to the square type products.
It has high product satisfaction with high precision level of components and easy space applicability when installing the product.