전시회 로고
Korea’s leading construction, architecture and interior specialty exhibition
Online 31 May 2023(Wed) ~ 30 May 2024(Thu)
Offline 3 Aug 2023(Thu) ~ 6 Aug 2023(Sun)
COEX, Seoul, South Korea
제품 이미지 - ‘Self-cleaning aquarium’ that does not require cleaning
제품 동영상 - ‘Self-cleaning aquarium’ that does not require cleaning

‘Self-cleaning aquarium’ that does not require cleaning

Just like a water purifier, just replace the filter and you're done! Zero-exchange aquarium!

제품 동영상 - ‘Self-cleaning aquarium’ that does not require cleaning
제품 이미지 - ‘Self-cleaning aquarium’ that does not require cleaning
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‘Self-cleaning aquarium’ that does not require cleaning
Country of manufacture
Republic of Korea
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벽조의호수 (walllake.co.kr)

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