Woori Financial Concentrates Group Competencies in Building Comprehensive Financial Solutions

기사입력: 2022-12-02 15:49


Woori Financial Group Headquarters

Woori Financial Group (Chairman Son Tae-seung) announced on the 2nd that it held the 'Universal Banking Promotion Council' to promote the group's integrated platform business at the headquarters of Woori Financial Group in Jung-gu, Seoul on the 1st.

The 'Universal Banking Promotion Council' was newly established in September to carry out decision-making related to issues and key initiatives following the group's integrated platform project.

Woori Financial Group We are promoting the 'Universal Banking' service that connects the main financial business of group affiliates to Woori WON Banking App, and plans to provide a comprehensive financial solution equipped with UI/UX that customers want.

On this day, Woori Financial Group Chief Digital Officer (CDO) Vice President Ok Il-jin and heads of digital departments of Woori Financial Group, Woori Bank, and Woori Card attended the meeting to share their digital status and share their opinions on promoting digital business.

At the first and second meetings held in September and October, mid- to long-term tasks related to mobile banking were discussed, and at the third meeting, new member policies to be applied were discussed and improvements needed.

Chief Digital Officer Ok Il-jin said, “In November, Tae-seung Son, chairman of Woori Financial Group, focused all of the group’s capabilities to leap forward as a digital leading financial group. “As an executive in charge of digital and chairman of the Universal Banking Promotion Council, I will focus my efforts on promoting the group’s integrated platform business.”