제품 이미지 - F-1000 implements a cut-off wavelength band suitable for searching various evidences and reagents, uses multiple LEDs
제품 동영상 - F-1000 implements a cut-off wavelength band suitable for searching various evidences and reagents, uses multiple LEDs

F-1000 implements a cut-off wavelength band suitable for searching various evidences and reagents, uses multiple LEDs

Various evidences searcher

제품 동영상 - F-1000 implements a cut-off wavelength band suitable for searching various evidences and reagents, uses multiple LEDs
제품 이미지 - F-1000 implements a cut-off wavelength band suitable for searching various evidences and reagents, uses multiple LEDs
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Jillite Inc.
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Product Overview
Product Name
F-1000 implements a cut-off wavelength band suitable for searching various evidences and reagents, uses multiple LEDs
Model name
휴대용 지문검색기 F-1000
Country of manufacture
Republic of Korea
Manufacturing company
Jillite Inc.
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