제품 이미지 - PHONEXIA
제품 동영상 - PHONEXIA


SW for speaker identification and comparative analysis

제품 동영상 - PHONEXIA
제품 이미지 - PHONEXIA
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Product Overview
Product Name
Product Description

Voice Inspector
Phonexia Voice Inspector는 경찰과 포렌식 전문가가 사용할 수 있는 매우 정확한 화자 인식 도구입니다.
효과적으로 범죄 수사를 지원하고 법정에서 증거로 제공할 수 있는 솔루션입니다.
인공 지능으로 구동되는 최첨단 Phonexia 음성 생체 인식 기술을 기반으로 하여 탁월한 정확도를 제공합니다.
Voice Inspector HW Spec

Recommended OS and HW (PSP)
Recommended (*) Operating Systems:
Windows 64-bit – latest version of Windows 10, Windows Server 2019
Linux 64-bit – latest version of RHEL/CentOS 7
Compatible (**) Operating Systems:

64-bit Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2016, …
64-bit Linux with glibc >= 2.17, e.g. Ubuntu 20.04, Mint 19.3, RHEL/CentOS 8.2, …
(*) Speech Platform components (e.g. Speech Engine) is tested internally on these systems.

(**) Speech Platform components (e.g. Speech Engine) is known to be successfully deployed on these systems.

Recommended Hardware
Required HW is linked to a set of technologies (the SPE configuration) and the load that should be processed per day (or during a peak hour). It is highly recommended to run a load test with selected configuration and evaluation licenses before purchasing HW. Here are recommendations for typical configurations:

Speech Platform – Voice Biometrics configuration – 100 hours/day

CPU: 8 physical cores, typically 1x Intel® Xeon E5-2640 v4
RAM: 32 GB
HDD: 100 GB (depends on the archive policy)
Configuration includes: SID4_L4, LID_L4, GID_L4, AGE_L4, VAD, SQE
Speech Platform – Transcription System configuration – 100 hours/day

CPU: 8 physical cores, typically 1x Intel® Xeon E5-2640 v4
RAM: 32 GB
HDD: 100 GB (depends on the archive policy)
Configuration includes: STT 5th generation – 2 languages (half load each), KWS 5th generation – 2 languages, LID_L4, VAD, SQE
Speech Platform – Voice Biometrics and Transcription System configuration – 100 hours/day

CPU: 14 physical cores, typically 1x Intel® Xeon Gold 5120;
RAM: 64 GB
HDD: 500 GB (depends on the archive policy)
Configuration includes: SID4_L4, LID_L4, GID_L4, AGE_L4, STT 5th generation – 2 languages (half load each), KWS 5th generation – 2 languages, VAD, SQE
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