제품 이미지 - A house that received an award from Seoul City! Take a look!
제품 동영상 - A house that received an award from Seoul City! Take a look!

A house that received an award from Seoul City! Take a look!

Seoul Metropolitan City, reinforced concrete, 58 pyeong

제품 동영상 - A house that received an award from Seoul City! Take a look!
제품 이미지 - A house that received an award from Seoul City! Take a look!
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A house that received an award from Seoul City! Take a look!
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제8회 건축사와 함께하는
우리 동네 좋은 집 찾기 공모전에서
은상을 수상하였습니다

고(高):집이라는 제목의 다가구 주택인데요.
어떤 의미가 있는지 함께 구경 가실까요!

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