제품 이미지 - 3D Moulds
제품 동영상 - 3D Moulds

3D Moulds

Volumetric Moulds for modular precast concrete construction

제품 동영상 - 3D Moulds
제품 이미지 - 3D Moulds
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3D Moulds
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Product Description

Discover our expanding portfolio of moulds for the production of precast concrete room modules. With a focus on reusability, flexibility and modular mould design, we provide reliable and efficient forming solutions for modular construction projects. Even for smaller projects, this gives you a feasible solution. In addition to room module moulds for residential construction projects, we also offer a range of mould solutions for transformer stations, cable basements, bathroom pods and utility rooms. For room elements that require maximum surface quality, our upcrete® module mould for pressure filling from below offers the perfect solution.

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