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Exhibition Participation History
#Advanced Material and Tech Week Korea 2024 #Sustainable Chemistry Week Korea 2023 #2022 Korea Chemical Manufacturing Industry Exhibition
Company Overview
Park Jeong-seop
Company Type
Trading company
Sales and distribution
Number of employees
5 to 49 people
767 Sinsu-ro, Suji-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do (Dongcheon-dong)
Representative number

Biz News

Dreaming of a long-lived electronics company dedicated to society, SME Trading

The domestic electronics industry experienced rapid growth with the advent of semiconductorsIC . Computers that are essential in modern society, smart phones, TVs This is because electronic devices are implemented through this semiconductorIC. For this reason, the government and a number of semiconductor companies spare no support for talent training for the development of the domestic electronics industry.


SME Trade has a system that can process PCB, a semiconductor printed circuit board, and its own technology to repair it. As a company, R&D room of a company, Materials to facilitate R&D for military units and companies etc is being delivered.

In addition, it is said to be providing equipment, materials, and educational books to a number of universities and special purpose high schools to contribute to the development of the domestic electronics industry. We had an interview with Jeongseop Park, CEO of SME Trade.

Park Jeong-seop, CEO of SME Trading Co., Ltd.

Introduce the companyTalk

SME Trading started as a private company in 1994, 1998 It is 29year-old enterprise. In the past, the built-in antenna used in mobile phones was developed and supplied to various companies and research and development centers., Since then, the standard >PCBVarious companies that research and develop processing systems as their main business, R&D office, < /span>Military base, University, Supply to special purpose high schools, etc., leading the company span>.

PCB is a product inevitably defective during the production process, so we have been equipped with professional technology to repair it and have continued exchanges with most semiconductor companies in Korea. Of course, the process was not easy. In the past, it was imported from Japan, but it took about 26 years for the system to stabilize after switching to domestic products< span>.

Aside from that, he also developed a drill used in industry. Industrial HSS used in the past, Cemented carbide drills were worn out even after using them once or twice, so there was an inconvenience that they had to be replaced frequently . Anyone can easily use broken or worn out drills and end mills, We have a variety of machines that accurately reproduce There is.

The reason why we have been able to operate for a long time despite our small size is that we only deal with special parts, not general products like this. The company's products have been provided to schools and research institutes for a long time, and now some of the talented people have grown up and received doctoral degrees. As such, we are striving to develop the electronics industry while coexisting with society.

Park Jeong-seop, CEO of SME Trading Co., Ltd.

If you have a management philosophy

No matter how big or small the company is, you need to make steady efforts to create work. You have to deal with what happened through this with sincerity, and it's important to finish well.

When it comes to customer management, you have to trust us to trust us. Sometimes there are companies that use exaggerated expressions to sell a product. This can obviously lead to other problems, so it is necessary to deal honestly. If the machine is delivered, you should also pay attention to follow-up management so that you can take responsibility until the end. As an example, in the case of a company that had difficulties in using it, they visited and provided training.

This is one of the know-hows that SME Trading has been able to maintain exchanges with various clients.

If there is a future direction and goal

Currently focusing on tools and equipment products for teaching students, such as educational institutions. The research and development department of a company is developing tools while thinking about how to make research and development easier. We have developed numerous products from the past to the present, and we plan to continue to do so..

I believe that we are coexisting with society while providing these products., Students can study knowledge in a comfortable and diverse way according to the needs of our major customers.

Always maintaining this mindset, the goal is to become a long-lived company along with the employees, Continuously publishing educational brochures and contributing to community service. I plan to work hard.

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