제품 이미지 - Korean Rice Crispy Pean Shou Shrimp 1kg
제품 동영상 - Korean Rice Crispy Pean Shou Shrimp 1kg

Korean Rice Crispy Pean Shou Shrimp 1kg

Crispy and chewy shrimp made with 100% Korean rice chips

제품 동영상 - Korean Rice Crispy Pean Shou Shrimp 1kg
제품 이미지 - Korean Rice Crispy Pean Shou Shrimp 1kg
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Food, food and beverage, agricultural product processing
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Product Overview
Product Name
Korean Rice Crispy Pean Shou Shrimp 1kg
Product Description
우리쌀 100% 쌀칩을 더하여 바삭하고 쫀득한 깐쇼새우

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