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Exhibition Participation History
#2023 Megazoo #MEGA ZOO 2022
Company Overview
Kwak Jae-eun
Company Type
Sales and distribution
53 Sinbanpo-ro 45-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul (Jamwon-dong)
Featured Products
Pet Supplies Toys & Treats
Representative number

Company Introduction

BITE ME is a trendy and popular brand that attracts an average of 500,000 visitors every month in Korea, and sells self-made (PB) BiteMe products in the overall category, including dog & cat supplies, toys, clothing, and treats.
Currently, we export to 26 countries, including the United States and Southeast Asia, and recently, awareness of BITE ME has been increasing in the United States, Canada, and Southeast Asia.
With our unique and high quality, pet toys, pet clothing, pet supplies, pet treats, cat products, and cat treats are all loved.

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Facility information

Facility information
Business Name
Business Address
Land area
Gross floor area
Number of production lines
Major facilities