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Company profile
Exhibition Participation History
#Korea Police World Expo 2023
Company Overview
Jaewon Lee
Company Type
IT·Information Communication
Number of employees
5 to 49 people
46 Jandari-ro 3an-gil, Mapo-gu, Seoul (Seogyo-dong)
Featured Products
Virtual asset AI investigation solution ‘ArrestBC’
Representative number

Company Introduction

A youth deep-tech startup, Onclev
Onclev is a youth deep-tech startup that is researching AI-based automation for tracking virtual assets. Blockchain experts and AI developers are collaborating to focus on research targeting crimes related to virtual assets, with the goal of developing means to implement social justice by utilizing Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies to counter technologically advanced crimes. Recognized as a technologically excellent company by the Technology Guarantee Fund and the Startup Promotion Center based on the R&D achievements over the past three years, development is ongoing, considering the front-line investigative environment based on feedback from the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency's regional investigation unit.

Biz News

Oncleve aims to be a regtech company that has a positive influence on society.

If investments are good, companies will survive, If companies revive, employment can increase and the economy can be revived. In other words, the basic economic trend is that just accumulating assets unconditionally does not save society, but proper circulation of assets is helpful to the economy . However, in Korea, the view on investment often feels particularly negative and cold.

This is the one that caused the biggest buzz during the coronavirus pandemic.'Virtual currency' plays a role It is no exaggeration to say that we did. Assets that have lost their way in a frozen society are being concentrated into virtual currency investment, and the atmosphere has become increasingly heightened., With the occurrence of various financial crimes and post-coronavirus inflation, the atmosphere in the investment market has become more conservative.

Amid this trend, Oncleve is developing financial information analysis AI for financial crime investigation and money laundering prevention, and is on a journey to become a regtech company. It has continued. We met and spoke with Jaewon Lee, CEO of Oncleve, who hopes to contribute to a healthy market economy and have a positive influence in forming a transparent and fair market..

Photo from Oncleve's International Security Industry Expo

Please introduce your company.

Oncleve is creating investigative solutions to prevent virtual asset crimes with complex expertise in artificial intelligence and blockchain. As virtual currency has served as an opportunity to make a lot of money, the number of crimes using it to defraud others has also rapidly increased. However, since the police are not solely in charge of this investigation and a lot of the work is done manually, there is a problem that the investigation may be difficult or take a long time..

Our company is a deep tech company created to help solve these problems. Based on our past experience working in the blockchain industry, we invested money into research and development and created an automated service that can be implemented to some extent. Because virtual currency is difficult to understand intuitively, we were experiencing difficulties in the investigation, so we started a service for tracking virtual assets based on technology and expertise.

In this way, Oncleve is working to create a society where people who live honestly and hard work do not feel deprived. The goal is to uncover the illicit profits of sophisticated intelligent crimes, investigate them, and ensure that they receive the punishment they deserve, and I want to help members of society feel the driving force to live with strength.< span>.

Please explain the main services

A representative example is an artificial intelligence-based virtual asset tracking solution. This is a service created to focus on tracking virtual asset-related crimes and proving criminal charges. We are not only expanding in the business sector, but are also providing investigative advice to the National Police Agency and are continuously striving to strengthen our expertise.

Specifically, it allows tracking of malicious behavior in processing and analyzing data and networks., Using an artificial intelligence network system, it provides detailed user object tracking functions. Provide. Efficiently tracking objects through custom database structures.

In the future, we are preparing to expand not only into the virtual asset area but also into the general financial market and launch anti-money laundering and suspicious transaction detection solutions..

What are your future directions and goals

A regtech company refers to a company that utilizes technology that operates in the area of ​​regulatory surveillance. Oncleve is not just a tech company, but a regtech company, and its ultimate goal is to contribute to creating a just market.

We expect that our cutting-edge technology will enable us to monitor everything from crime to financial regulations., Currently, we are operating an investigation solution, but in the future we will be working to prevent money laundering. If a suspicious transaction detection solution is developed, cutting-edge technology can help prevent and prevent crimes in various areas..

Through these services, I hope you will realize that Oncleve is not a company that simply generates profits, but a company that pursues important values. I believe that a sustainable society can only be created by creating a healthy financial market, so I want to become a company that proves that it has walked a path with sincerity.

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