제품 이미지 - Head and Neck Anatomy Simulator AS_Head&Neck
제품 동영상 - Head and Neck Anatomy Simulator AS_Head&Neck

Head and Neck Anatomy Simulator AS_Head&Neck

Highly immersive head and neck anatomy simulator AS_H

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높은 몰입도의 두경부 해부학 시뮬레이터 AS_H

AS_Head&Neck은 치의학과/치위생학과 및 보건계열 학과를 위한
가상현실 두경부 해부시뮬레이션 프로그램입니다.
카데바가 필요없는 해부학 실습의 자유를 지금 누려보세요.

High immersion head and neck anatomy simulator AS_H

AS_Head&Neck is a virtual reality head and neck anatomy simulation program
designed for dental medicine, dental hygiene departments, and health-related courses.
Experience the freedom of anatomical studies without the need for a cadaver
제품 동영상 - Head and Neck Anatomy Simulator AS_Head&Neck
제품 이미지 - Head and Neck Anatomy Simulator AS_Head&Neck
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Ewha Womans University Medical Center
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Participating in the K-HOSPITAL+HEALTH TECH FAIR 2024 K-HOSPITAL+HEALTH TECH FAIR 2024 Online Exhibition
Product Overview
Product Name
Head and Neck Anatomy Simulator AS_Head&Neck
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