Company profile
Exhibition Participation History
#2023 Megazoo
Company Overview
Jihee Lim
Company Type
Distribution and wholesalers
Service industry
2708-19, Iljudong-ro, Gujwa-eup, Jeju-si, Jeju-do
Featured Products
pet cleaner
Representative number

Company Introduction

We, who want to be together with our companion animals for a long time, are called the PAWLINKE

When I was young, my dad brought a dog from a street and the dog had difficulty in breathing because of a nose injury.

A veterinarian said that it cannot be treated and the dog would not live long.

I hoped that the dog would be happy for the rest of the time,

so I made and fed special nutritious food, frequently checked the breath, and care for it with utmost sincerity.

Perhaps it knew how I felt, the sick dog from the street named “Merry” spent 9 years with us.

Because we want dogs to spend a long and healthy time with us without getting sick and want cats to rest in a warm home without getting hurt on a street, we started researching.

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