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Company Overview
Hyunwoong Choi
Company Type
IT·Information Communication
115 Wangsimni-ro, Seongdong-gu, Seoul (Seongsu-dong 1-ga)
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Biz News

Seed&, a smart temperature management solution for the Earth

ESG has recently emerged as a hot topic in corporate management around the world. This is a word that combines the first letters of environmental, social, and governance, and is currently considered a key element for corporate sustainability. In particular, the environment is what many companies consider most important. Since environmental management that saves the earth by reducing carbon emissions becomes future sustainability and competitiveness, companies have started their own business related to the environment, and eco-friendly startups are also appearing in large numbers.

SeedN is also conducting business that pursues social value beyond corporate profits through ESG solutions. SeedN’s main business is ‘Leaf’, an AIoT-based temperature management solution. This is a service that automatically sets the appropriate temperature through AI without the administrator having to manually adjust it. The characteristic of Leaf is that it can maintain a comfortable environment all year round by collecting various data such as building balance, floor height, weather data, indoor temperature and humidity, and user patterns, then finding the appropriate temperature and operating the air conditioner and heater. It is a good solution that not only improves the satisfaction of people using the space, but also reduces cooling and heating costs for facility operators, and further helps save energy and reduce carbon emissions. I met Seed& CEO Choi Hyun-woong in person and heard his story.

Seed & CEO Choi Hyun-woong = Tosspeed/Kim Ye-sol
CEO Choi Hyun-woong of Seed&=Tosspeed/Kim Ye-sol

Please introduce your company

SeedN is a company that provides ‘LEAF’, an AIoT service that manages a building’s heating and cooling energy using AI. Leaf Temperature Management Service saves cooling and heating energy by automatically managing spaces that were managed by overcooling and overheating to an appropriate temperature centered on people in real time.

Through eight years of research and development, the company has learned various data such as weather, indoor temperature and humidity, use of space, floor height, and area into its self-developed AI. Additionally, we have secured heating and air conditioning management technology to remotely control the building's air conditioners through IoT devices. Recognized for these capabilities, we have a diverse group of customers both large and small, including large domestic coffee franchises, global SPA brands, and unmanned stores. Currently, over 500 of our clients' sites are consistently recording an average energy saving rate of 10% every month.

In the future, the company plans to contribute to reducing urban carbon emissions by developing an AI-BEMS solution that goes beyond heating and cooling services and manages the entire building energy, including lighting and power equipment outlets.

Please introduce your main business

Leaf temperature management solution, Seed&'s main business, is used in various places such as large corporations, shared offices, and franchise stores. To explain the solution in detail, it is a solution that identifies temperature and humidity changes in real time on site and compares the outdoor weather and building characteristics based on this to maintain a comfortable space at an appropriate temperature for the space. It was created through Seed AI, which learned based on about 1 billion temperature and humidity data, and can be expected to not only provide convenient temperature and humidity management, but also reduce greenhouse gases and reduce energy costs.

Leaf solution’s hardware includes hubs, controllers, and sensors. When the hub transmits real-time control commands to the controller through Wi-Fi communication, the controller attached to the air conditioner controls the space to an appropriate temperature. And the sensor is attached to the wall of the space where people actually work and measures heat energy data every 10 minutes.

Leaf Solutions are divided into Leaf Retail Solutions, Leaf Retail BIZ, and Leaf Office Solutions depending on their purpose. Regarding Leaf Solutions, our company is so unique that there are no special competitors, and our technology has been recognized through several patents and awards.

If you have any future goals

SeedN seeks to establish itself as an AIoT-based building energy solution company that manages the energy of the entire building. Based on AIoT technology, HW, SW technology, and temperature management research and development experience, we will provide solutions that comply with national and global certification systems such as building energy efficiency rating and ESG rating.

Currently, Leaf is being introduced and tested locally in large franchises in Taiwan. We are also preparing to collaborate with a large clothing SPA brand in Japan and plan to actively participate in entering the global market based on this.

Our company operates under the slogans ‘Finding the right temperature’ and ‘Change in temperature management habits’. The area we work in is an area that has been entrenched for a long time and is taken for granted by people, but I think we need to create a change in perception in this area. I hope Seed& will be remembered as a company that sincerely pushes forward to do good things in the world.

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