제품 이미지 - Cooking and cafeteria ventilation system (Allswell matrix hood)
제품 동영상 - Cooking and cafeteria ventilation system (Allswell matrix hood)

Cooking and cafeteria ventilation system (Allswell matrix hood)

Implementation of quantitative indicators for cafeteria ventilation technical guidelines (hood wind speed)

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성능지표 구현 보증 [후드면풍속]
0.5m/s (오븐·밥솥 등)
0.7m/s (부침기·가스렌지·튀김솥·식기세척입출구)
제품 동영상 - Cooking and cafeteria ventilation system (Allswell matrix hood)
제품 이미지 - Cooking and cafeteria ventilation system (Allswell matrix hood)
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Cooking and cafeteria ventilation system (Allswell matrix hood)
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