기업 개요
Joerg Reymann
기업 유형
설립 연도
직원 수
50 ~ 299명
연간 매출액
400억 원 초과 ~ 1,500억 원 이하
Karlsruher Str. 32, 68766 Hockenheim
주요 제품
Magnetic formwork and 3D moulds solution
대표 번호


For almost 30 years RATEC is leading in magnetic formwork technology for precast concrete production and sets standards worldwide with its intelligent shuttering solutions. We have also significantly expanded our 3D moulds portfolio for the production of volumetric precast concrete elements, such as modular elements for PPVC, transformer substations and bathroom pods (PBU). Our standard solutions have proven their worth in tough practical testing and today our clients rely on us in over 75 countries.
Since 2017, RATEC moved closer with its new office of RATEC Asia Pte Ltd in Singapore, with a team of experienced precast specialists and technical engineers familiar with the regional requirements in Asia. With this background we provide precast startup assistance together with initial equipment and training to clients in Asia who aim to make a first step into precast.
Benefit from our experience, flexibility and creativity. Meet the better ideas!

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