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Seokho Yoon
234-27 Nonhyeon-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul
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Biz News

Ibex Medical Systems, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, One Step Closer to Our Lives

Before city gas was supplied, until the mid-1980s, briquette boilers used in households caused a serious problem of briquette gas poisoning.

The hyperbaric oxygen therapy, which was mainly used for the treatment of carbon monoxide poisoning, is now being applied to more diverse fields. Founded in 2011, we met Seok-Ho Yoon, CEO of IBEX Medical Systems, which has been at the forefront of hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

Please introduce your company

We research, develop and sell medical hyperbaric oxygen therapy devices. As the field of hyperbaric oxygen therapy is unfamiliar in Korea, academic activities are also held in parallel so that more medical staff can clearly understand this field, and the United States, Japan, Europe, Through exchanges with advanced countries in high pressure medicine such as Taiwan, it can be activated in Korea as well. I am doing the work to make it possible.

Since it is the medical staff who actually provide services to patients, we want to proceed with a comprehensive understanding so that the medical staff can provide them smoothly. The company aims to develop products suitable for safety and convenience for patients and medical staff by thinking more about the benefits to patients through medical devices and actually reflecting them in research and development..

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Yoon Seok-ho, CEO of Ibex Medical Systems

Is there a main product or differentiated technology

When using hyperbaric oxygen therapy, patients may complain of discomfort in the ear due to air pressure rise. Therefore, for the first time in the world, ‘A.B.T. RIDE® (Antibarotrauma Technology)'developed the world's first solution technology.

Ibex can apply this function to the hyperbaric oxygen chamber by installing this function in the headset. The key to this solution is to relieve the patient's discomfort from ear pain during hyperbaric oxygen treatment, increase treatment acceptance, and maximize treatment effect .

I'm curious about your future plans and what kind of company you want to be in

Even though it was launched as a medical device company, it focuses on improving patients' conditions. I want to be recorded as a company that supplies products that can provide similar services not only in hospitals but also at home in the future by applying innovative technologies that improve patients' quality of life.

Through steady R&D activities, we aim to become a technologically leading hyperbaric oxygen therapy company next year and the following year. As a by-product, I hope that patients at home can benefit from hyperbaric oxygen treatment more conveniently through the development of a hyperbaric oxygen therapy device for home care that can be used by individuals at home.< span>.

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