이미지 없음
Exhibition Participation History
#2023 Megazoo
Company Overview
taehyoung kim
Company Type
Sales and distribution
Number of employees
5 to 49 people
167 Songpa-daero, Songpa-gu, Seoul (Munjeong-dong)
Featured Products
The Table Plus, Wave Pot, Round Table House, All Day Board, All Day Basket
Representative number

Company Introduction

designed for you and your beloved pets, duit.
Designed for you and your beloved pets.

Welcome to duit design lab, where we are dedicated to revolutionizing the pet industry by creating functional, durable, and aesthetically pleasing pet products that enhance the interior design of your home.

At duit design lab, we believe in delivering the highest quality products and services to our customers, We partner with trusted and reliable designers who share our passion for design, and our team of experts carefully curates each product on our platform to ensure that they meet our strict quality standards.
Customer satisfaction is our top priority, and we are committed to providing the best possible shopping experience for our customers. From offering functional, durable, and beautiful pet products to reliable and efficient delivery services and exceptional customer support, we strive to exceed our customers' expectations. Our customers can shop with confidence, knowing that they are getting the best products for their pets.

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